Thursday, September 25, 2008

Just your average day...

Wake up, go to a lecture, go to Rotterdam, meet Steve Reich, go home, go to bed: pretty much just your average day here in The Netherlands.

Of course, there's a reason for all of this:
Yesterday, me and a few friends headed over to Rotterdam for a concert of Steve Reich's music, which included 'Clapping Music' played by the man himself (still decked out in trademark baseball cap, even when on stage), 'Different Trains', 'Music for Pieces of Wood' and 'Tehilim'. Though being in an odd position to the stage (on a balcony that stretched towards the back left of the stage) that caused some pretty odd acoustics, the concert was pretty fantastic. 'Clapping Music' and 'Music For Pieces of Wood' in particular were wonderful and, from my position in the audience at least I could hear a whole set of different acoustic phenomena colouring the sound due to the shortness of their attacks.

Anyway, after the show, there was an interview with the man himself in the foyer and I got to ask him a question about 'Different Trains' (something along the lines of 'Why did you decide to have a live string quartet in the piece rather than having them all recorded and making it a straightforward tape piece?' Answer (something like): 'I'm interested in live instruments and when the cello and viola double the vocal samples in the recording you get a personification of the characters the samples are of'.')

We hung around a bit afterwards, asked him some more questions and got this lovely picture with the man himself: Does this look like a man who's 72?
(Maya, Christiaan, Steve Reich, Robert, me; see if you can spot one of the most influential composers of the last century?)

Apparently he's working on a piece for tape and rock 'n' roll band, called '2x5', which I think is being performed in Manchester next year, and a work for the Kronos Quartet and electronics for November 2009.

Unfortunately this is going to make very little sense to anyone who doesn't know who Steve Reich is, in which case, I suggest some youtube therapy:



Anonymous said...

that sounds pretty nuts dave, he's looking great for his age aswell. Must be all that clapping, hopefully wont go the same way as Kagel and Radulescu anytime soon

Katayun said...

Just been watching many performances of 'Clapping Music'. Seems even Evelyn Glennie has had a go. People seem to be totally obsessed as outing her as a fake deaf. Possibly I'm being overly defensive of a left over childhood love (much like Pears soap) but I'm slightly more disgusted with people than I was a few minutes ago. Knowing nothing about music I found her 'How to Listen to Music with Your Whole Body' most interesting. The way she rolls her arrrs is fabulously piratical. Something I aspire to. One day people will believe in my Scottish heritage!
Anyways back to Mr. Reich...
Thank you. I like new discoveries. I much prefer him to the last music that came indirectly to me from you. I found Dataplex rather distressing listening. My computer is banned from making as much as a unasked squeak. That album confirmed for me why.
I seem to be tangenting off a lot. Apologies. I think it must be time for a shower.

Unknown said...

i'm very much liking these podcasts. when i saw the last one was over thirteen minutes i thought i might have to listen to it in bits but actually i could listen to you ramble for ages.

now to investigate this steve reich character...